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Sentara Obici Hospital Emergency Department Addition and Renovation

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Sentara Obici Hospital Emergency Department Addition and Renovation


Suffolk, Virginia

Sentara Healthcare

Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc.

7,000 square-feet new construction

W. M. Jordan Company provided Construction Management at Risk services for the expansion and renovation at Sentara Obici Hospital in Suffolk, VA. The project included a multi-phase addition and expansion to the Emergency Department with the first phase including the addition to the front of the hospital adjacent to the existing Emergency Department. The second and third phases included moving into the new addition and renovating the existing Emergency Department.

“We’re growing to meet community needs and expectations now and in the future,” says Coleen Santa Ana, president of Sentara Obici Hospital. “Our patients will have a much better and more efficient experience when this project is complete.”

This project added 7,000 square feet of space, increasing the number of treatment spaces from 23 to 37, including nine vertical care spaces with comfortable chairs for appropriate patients. The modernization included enhanced privacy with doors on patient rooms instead of curtains and added an additional safe space for behavioral health needs.